Fated to Meet You by Despoina Kemeridou (e-book)

Fated to Meet You by Despoina Kemeridou is a sweet tale of romance, Fate, and finding oneself combined with fantasy.

I'm a sucker for anything related to past lives, or time travel, or soul mates. Kemeridou weaves a nice tale that seems to combine all three. Nora, the protagonist of the story, stumbles into a portal that takes her back to the 18th century; there, she becomes a pawn in a life of royalty, betrayal, and romance.

What I like about Nora's character is that she remembers where she comes from--the year 2020--and, although she doesn't feel enthralled by her life in the 21st century, she knows that that's where she belongs. Her experiences as a princess in the 18th century is full of glamour and riches but she doesn't feel "right" in that era.

Yet, it is revealed that she doesn't entirely have to leave that era behind; even in the 21st century, she meets those she knew in the 18th century, proving that soul mates travel together throughout time, regardless of circumstances. Although some of her friends from the past do not recognize her in today's world, she knows that their lives are entwined.

Kemeridou's tale is a wonderful addition to my library and, although the text is too short, I hope she produces a sequel that audiences will love to read. I'm sure they will become intrigued with her characters and will look forward to find out more about their lives and how they interact in today's world.

Rating: 10/10

Link to the story on Amazon (as an e-book download):
